Photo credit: Attleboro’s Future.
Progress, whether personal or municipal, requires goals and plans. I hope I’ve made my goals and plans clear, earning your vote for an At-Large seat on the City Council. Attleboro can and must be kinder to its growing senior population. Seniors have earned a new senior center where all ages can co-mingle as a community. Attleboro can and must be kinder to veteran’s who came to our defense when we needed them. Attleboro can and must be kinder to the environment that we depend on for water security, sustainable development, and enjoyment of open space. Attleboro can and must continue to be kind to our students and provide them with excellent education to help each graduate build an amazing future. Attleboro can and must be kinder to the downtown that provide services, a place to meet and connect, a place to get a cup of coffee or a bite to eat. Attleboro has been a special place since its start 329 years ago. We’ve grown and adapted as a community. We need to continue to be kind to each other. I promise to use my skill sets to take us to the next level. Please share this post with others. Please feel free to message me with any comments or ideas that you have. On November 7, please vote Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side. #Attleboro #attleboroseniors #attleboroveterans #environmentaljustice #attleboroeducation #attleborodowntown
Sustainable Growth
Any candidate for City Council is in favor of growth. As a candidate for an At-Large seat, I too am for growth, but for sustainable growth. Sustainable growth simply means that as we grow, we make sure that we can support that growth with the proper level of services, such as fire, police, road maintenance, and schools. Growth is important, but must make sure it can be supported without punishing the residents that currently live in the city. Nearly two years ago, a group of volunteers met for more than 850 hours to draft Attleboro’s Environmental Master Plan (EMP). The core pillars of the plan focused on how Attleboro’s future would address Sustainable Growth. The plan suggested that the first action was to create a Sustainability Commission of volunteer residents that would suggest ways to make Attleboro, Sustainable By Design. The former mayor submitted that request to the City Council last January, nearly ten months ago, with a second public forum to be held on November 21, 2023. We cannot afford to wait months for action that has the support of so many residents that have signed a petition, attended presentations, wrote to and appeared before the City Council in support of the commission. We cannot afford to let more grants go to other communities that have committed to sustainability well ahead of Attleboro. We cannot afford to ignore the savings that could come from sustainable efficiencies like waste reduction. We cannot afford to jeopardize our water and energy security. As a Councilor-At-Large, I will be a vocal supporter of a new Sustainability Commission. I want to hear and act on the recommendations that will make Attleboro a leader, not a late follower. Please share this post with others. Please feel free to Message me with any comments or ideas that you have. On November 7, please vote Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side. Support for Seniors.
Seniors are our parents and grandparents, and they are a growing population. I remember growing up and hearing about my grandparents getting special discounts at businesses and restaurants. I feel like they were treated like royalty. Everyone held the door for them, let them in the door first, always treated with kindness. It seems they had a special “senior membership card” and they were honored for getting to their age and retirement was a happy ending to their years of working. It seemed like a special time for them, they had more time to volunteer with groups, they spent time with family (especially us grandkids), and they were supported by the cities and towns they lived in. I felt like it was the best time of their lives. Seniors got us to where we are today. We have acquired a wealth of knowledge from their experiences, and we need to do more to support them. As a candidate for an At-Large City Council seat, seniors can count on more support from me. I support a new senior center; I will vote to allow seniors to park for free at the library. I will investigate a partnership with businesses for senior discounts; I will encourage the connection of schools and seniors; I will propose a new Seniors Committee on the City Council, and I will push for tax relief for seniors. I want to be sure today’s seniors in Attleboro are honored and supported as I remember seeing when I was young. Think of how you want to live out your senior years. Please share this post with others. Feel free to message me with any comments or ideas that you have. On November 7, please vote for Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side. #Attleboro #attleboroseniors #CityCouncilCandidate Photo credit: Downtown.
A downtown is the physical and expressive heart of a community. It is a symbol of the economic health of a community. It is the crossroad where business, spiritual bonding, the arts, banking, municipal service intersect. Downtown is where community pride begins. Here in Attleboro, we’ve made gains, but there’s more to be done. We need to make our downtown more accessible by reviving the sidewalks, deepen the partnership with business with city events and activities, bring in more foot traffic with a variety of food and shopping options, and add more activities and advertise them well at the city’s businesses. What do you want downtown Attleboro to look like? Where do you go on a lazy Saturday? What draws you in to stay for an afternoon? I personally would love to see a nice coffee shop with pastries and treats. Spend some time in an internet cafe where we can print a coupon to a lunch spot. Take a walk to the library or the art museum stopping along the way to a variety of shops to buy a gift. You might also find a music show or vendor fair at Cuddy Court. I would love to see more businesses have activities like trivia night at Burgundian. Let’s make downtown a place people from surrounding towns want to go to for a day. Veterans are a selfless and sacrificial people. They have gone to foreign lands and were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice and they have returned from where they defended our freedom. I have many veterans in my family. My grandfather fought in the Army in World War II, my great uncle never came home from Normandy. My uncle made a career out of the Army and climbed the ranks up to Colonel. My brother was in the Air Force for several years before 9/11. We need to physically support our Attleboro veterans.
President Calvin Coolidge is quoted as saying “the nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten”. Veterans need our support in every way. Their daily struggle is not easy. Honoring veterans with words and deeds not only shows our gratitude but also reminds us how important their sacrifices were for our present well being. There are many ways to show support, as individuals and as a community. From a simple “thank you for your service” to volunteering to drive a veteran to an appointment or shopping, we can do our share as individuals. Get to know the veterans living in our city. The VFW has weekly “lunch with a vet”. As a community, we can host more events with and for Veterans, we can advocate for policies that benefit veterans, and fight homelessness, evictions, and foreclosures among veterans. As a City Councilor At Large, I will vote to support our veterans. Please share this message with others. Please feel free to send me a message with any comments or ideas that you have to my email at [email protected] On November 7, please vote for Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side. Environmental sustainability is economic sustainability. Sustainability is no more than being able to replenish what we consume. Today, the US consumes three times what can be replenished. We waste nearly 50% of the energy that we produce. We waste 33% of the food we grow. We waste 1 trillion gallons of water each year. A good deal of our income and taxes is wasted. Here in Attleboro, we have been given the opportunity to create a Sustainability Commission composed of volunteer residents that could advise how Attleboro could be more sustainable, less wasteful. As a Councilor-At-Large candidate, I endorse the proposal to create the Sustainability Commission. This is a topic that we all can relate to. Whenever I talk to people about the need to sustain our environment for generations to come, I get full agreement, but I think people all have different ideas about how to do it. Did you know there is grant money from the state to support a commission to figure this out? It won’t cost the city any money to have it and we may even learn how to save money in the process. The Commission volunteers will research how to get the available grant money from different sources and advise the city on our current and future actions.
It is what we all need - Democrat, Republican, Unenrolled - all of us. We need to learn how to become more sustainable. Please share this post with others. On November 7, please vote for Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I'm on YOUR side! Affordable Housing.
Everything is more expensive today - From groceries to gas, to coffee, to doctor appointments, and especially housing. Since COVID, incomes have changed and the expenses continue to rise. Residents have told me they are worried about being able to afford their current homes and don’t feel they can downsize when their home no longer fits their needs. I personally have friends who have had to move out of the city because they could not afford their homes or rentals. There should be a more diverse supply of housing to meet Attleboro’s diverse needs from condos to in-laws apartments (otherwise known as Accessory Dwelling Units - ADU) and simply more affordable homes for those first-time home buyers or those wanting to downsize. Studies show that diversified communities thrive better than others. Residents of diversified communities are more connected and happier. We are lucky that Attleboro supports a diversified population. We need to further help in this direction with affordable housing. Affordable housing means that more money is spent on local businesses. Affordable housing puts less strain on food insecurities and healthcare. Affordable housing creates more job opportunities. Affordable housing reduces childhood poverty. It is estimated that for every dollar spent on reducing childhood poverty, saves seven dollars in economic costs. I am committed to creating affordable housing for residents with diversified housing opportunities based on the city's needs. I have ideas to make it happen. Please share this post with others. On November 7, please vote for Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side. Who is Laurie Sawyer?
Laurie Sawyer is running for City Council At Large The importance of hard work and respect was a big deal in my family from an early age. For the last 20 years, I’ve worked at Hasbro Children’s Hospital with dedication and integrity. I worked my way up from an entry-level position to Academic Administrative Manager. I like helping people and I love Attleboro. This is where I chose to raise my family. Now I'd like to use the skills from my career to make a difference in the city I love and gave me so much. To give back, I frequently volunteer my services. As Chair of the Council on Human Rights for the past six years, I’ve seen how we can serve as a bridge between residents and the city administration. While the issues that the Council tackles are varied, my focus has always been on removing obstacles before they become barriers for the city’s residents. Please share this post with others. On November 7th, please vote for Laurie Sawyer for Councilor-At-Large. I’m on your side! |
Laurie SawyerI am running for City Council At Large and I am on your side! ArchivesCategories |